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Plant growing tech in Malta

Looking to grow your own cannabis at home whilst living in Malta?

As of December 2021 the Maltese government introduced new laws regarding the use and cultivation of Marijuana in Malta. Now individuals are allowed to grow up to 4 plants per household and carry up to 7 grams whilst out and about.

Growing Marijuana at home in Malta

As a beginner it could feel slightly daunting, there’s so much to learn before deciding to go ahead with your home grow project, after all the Cannabis plant does require a certain level of skill and care in order to grow successfully.

Creating a controlled environment for your plants is one of the key elements in being successful, this is why we have stocked a multitude of products which enable you to start your own home growing project in Malta.

Grow Tents Malta

A grow tent is basically an enclosure which allows you to provide an ideal environment in which to grow your plants. The tents we provide in Malta are constructed using a sturdy metal frame which is powder coated, not just sprayed. Powder coating is a much stronger protective layer than paint. The frame of your grow tent needs to support heavy equipment such as light fixtures and fans, a sturdy steel frame is very important.
The metal frame is then covered in a strong thick fabric which is 99% reflective, its reflective properties ensure the plants get an even amount of light from the overhead lite source.

MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent
MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent

Grow tent construction

Grow tent frame

MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent
MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent

Grow tent fabric

Grow tent fabric
Grow tent fabric

Grow tent sizes

Our grow tent store in Malta stocks various sizes ranging from small 60 x 60 cm tents to much larger 150 x 150 cm grow tents. If you wish to grow 2 to 4 plants at home only for personal use, a 60 x 60 or 70 x 70 grow tent will be sufficient. Our Malta store stocks the following sizes of grow tents.

Grow tent size examples in stock in our Malta store:
60 x 60 x 140 cm grow tent
70 x 70 x 160 cm grow tent
100 x 100 x 180 cm grow tent
120 x 120 x 200 cm grow tent

MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent
MarsHydro 60 x 60 grow tent
100 x 100 x 180 cm grow tent
MarsHydro 100 x 100 x 180 cm grow tent
MarsHydro 120 x 120 x 200 grow tent
MarsHydro 120 x 120 x 200 grow tent

Grow lights

Grow light considerations

Choosing the correct grow light is an important step when building your home grow setup. Different lights are suitable for different applications. Some considerations when choosing the correct grow light would be,
Size of grow light, depends on the size of your enclosure
how many watts will the grow light consume?
How efficient is the grow light at converting Watts of power into usable light for your pants
The type of light produced by your grow light, its spectrum and intensity at different distances.
Is it an LED or halogen?

Different grow lights will produce different results.

Full spectrum lights for the entire life cycle of the plant, PPFD charts show you were different intensities of light are found on the growing surface. As lights vary in price and complexity, so do their ability to produce light. Below is an example of different lights, producing different amounts of usable light for growing.

TS600 Full spectrum grow light Malta
TS600 full spectrum gro light
TS600 grow light PPFD chart
LED grow light PPFD map
LED grow light PPFD map

Grow light shapes and sizes

MarsHydro TS600 grow light Malta
MarsHydro TS600 grow light Malta
MarsHydro FC4800 grow light
MarsHydro FC8000 grow light

Grow tent kits

We offer complete grow tent kits for the Maltese market which will get you started in no time. Our kits come fully loaded with all the goodies to get you on the fast track. With one of our home grow kits you don’t need to spend countless hours trying to figure out which tent goes with which light.

TS 600 grow kit Malta
MarsHydro TSL 2000 grow kit
MarsHydro TSW2000 grow tent kit in Malta

What you get inside one of our grow kits

  • Grow tent
  • Extractor fan
  • Carbon filter
  • Grow light
  • ducting for your extractor
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • planting pots
  • Timer for your light
  • Adjustment cables for height adjustment
grow bags
grow bags
Extractor with carbon filter
Extractor fan, ducting and carbon filter for grow tents

Start growing your own plants in Malta in one of our complete kits.